Rogation Day at Culm Davy Chapel c.1960. The Churchwardens either side of the gateway are Mr.
Rogation Day at Culm Davy Chapel in 1960.
8th October 2011 by 1 Comment
Fashions through the Ages. WI 1950
22nd July 2011 by 4 Comments
Members of the Women’s Institute modelling, Fashions through the Ages, in the 1950s
Back Row L to R. -Joan Lutley, ?, Mary Netherway, Emily Salter, Barbara Hole, Mrs Naish, Lilly Guppy. Middle Row L to R – Marion Lowman, Mollie Lutley, Mary Rich, Marjory Webber, Alice Clark, Elsie Board. Front Row sitting L to R- Joan Hannaford, Mrs Bennett, Evelyn Pike.