Clayhidon Bellringers


Stan Guppy, Harold Sellick, Jim Redwood, Bill Mitcham, Hawkins, Roy Culverwell, Bert James.

Clayhidon Bellringers

Brenda Drew, Roy Culverwell, Jim Padfield, Bert James, Harold Sellick.

Clayhidon Bellringers

Thelma Blackmore, Michael Osmond, Maureen Bendle, Ginny Young, Dick Drew, Bert James, Harold Sellick
Jim Padfield, Peter Gregory, Carole King, Basil Hutchings, Roy Culverwell, Olive Knight.

Clayhidon Bellringers

Heather Proctor, Bob Brien, Bert James, Mike Osmond, Mike Reynolds, Jim Padfield.

Clayhidon Home Guard

left S Guppy, R Fouracre right A Scoble, E Braddick then bottom A Fouracre, H Taylor, P Howe

R F James and Geoff James about 1935

R F James Lorry

Rosemary Lane Outing 1934

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Clayhidon School in 1928


The class of 1928